Supplement handbook V2.0
Before picking up any tool, it's a good idea to know:
- How it even works
- The specific conditions that it was designed for and will bring the most benefits when it's used under them
- What to look for when purchasing it
and in general some basic information.
But unfortunately, this is not the case with supplements and most people, do not know how to use supplements effectively.
They fall for what's trending or overblown promises and they end up:
- Using and wasting money on the wrong ones
- Making their health issues worse
- Create new issues down the line
When the right use of supplements would assist (remember supplements are tools, not an end all be all) in improving most of the common health issues.
So basically, the main purpose of this small handbook is to teach you as fast as possible:
- Timing supplements properly
- Dosing supplements properly
- What supplements to avoid (includes the subtypes of certain supplements) in general but also under certain conditions
- Actually understanding the bioavailability of each supplement and how to influence it effectively
- How to choose the right form of a particular supplement based on your needs
- The supplements that could be beneficial overall
- Rules of thumb when it comes to how long you should use in one
- What supplements it's a good idea to prioritize for specific issues (whether that's called skin health or low libido)
- Their main interactions with other supplements and medications
since i have not seen anyone provide a handbook for these which is a shame since thousands of people at this point are ruining their health and pockets due to the incorrect usage of supplements.
Heck i take that back, it's not a shame, it's insane.
If you know what you're talking about to an even fundamental degree, it's not hard or time consuming to teach people these and because of these, sometimes i wonder why supplement brands don't publish these things themselves.
So the right supplements have their time and place.
But if you use the wrong ones or use even good ones in the wrong way, they can harm a person's health so much that it is not even a joke.
So i wrote this program in order for you to be able to literally sit down for just an hour, read it and avoid 90% of the mistakes people make when using supplements.
That is it.
Do not expect an over-complicated approach like the ones that you saw in other programs and the main reason (even though from a financial standpoint this does not help me, at all) is that literally avoiding 90% of the mistakes that people make when using supplements is simple and not complicated.
Now when it comes to certain bonuses that are available, these are:
- A basic file about nutrition
- Four meal plans
- A couple of basic training guides
- The practical skincare e-book.
That's pretty much it.